First, let me say I don’t know where the time has gone since I last wrote in March. I had promised myself I’d write more often, but sadly haven’t kept that promise. The time seems to fly and I don’t know where it goes. I’m still creating both jewelry and art with sea glass (of course) and selling in my consignment shops. My Etsy shop is very well stocked and I have many new styles I plan to release as the summer weather gets warmer. The Bay Country Crafters Show was a success and I am looking forward to their Fall Show as I will introduce my sea glass snowflakes there for the first time!
One BIG thing that has happened to me since writing in March is that I have a piece of my jewelry featured in Glassing Magazine! It is in the May/June 2018 issue, also known as “The Mermaid Issue”.

The editor, Rebecca Ruger-Wightman, wrote that she “was hoping I could include your fabulous mermaid bangle with the Mermaid Soul charm and sea glass in a page dedicated to Sea Glass Mermaid items and art.” What could I say! This beautiful adjustable bracelet, featuring a Mermaid Soul charm and light green UV sea glass that will glow under black light, is included, along with many other beautiful artisan creations, in a spotlight called, “Ode to a Mermaid – Sea Glass Style”.
Needless to say I’m absolutely thrilled by this! I have a well established Etsy shop, which will be six years old this year! I have an active Facebook and Instagram presence as “Sea Glass Visions” and have sold hundreds and hundreds of pieces of jewelry and art over the years at a variety of art and craft shows. Over the past six years I’ve made a LOT of upgrades and changes in the quality of my sea glass, my designs and in the quality of jewelry components.
Even from the first time I created a piece of jewelry six year ago, I have strived to improve my techniques and designs and I’m so proud, that even with a simple bangle bracelet, the decisions I have made have proved successful and are being recognized and honored in a BIG way in the sea glass community!